- WABA Presentation on Proposed 1110 Hamlin Street Headquarters, 1/14/25
- WABA Special Exception/Variance Application (Case 21230) to DC Board of Zoning Adjustment
- Presentation from the Library to the BNCA about a New Library in Eckington/Edgewood, 6/18/24
- BNCA Remarks at the Catholic University West Campus Solar Array Dedication Ceremony, 6/3/24
- BNCA Gives Feedback on the Future Development at the WMATA Brookland/CUA Metro Station, 5/23/24
- BNCA Comments on Installation of New High Intensity Activated CrossWalk signal at Michigan and Quincy NE, 5/22/24
- BNCA Letter to Councilmember Parker Highlighting Budget and Oversight Priorities
- BNCA Testimony Supporting the Office of Natural Area Conservation Establishment Act and the Tree Preservation Enhancement Amendment Act
- BNCA Letter of Support for Tastemakers Locally Made Manufacturing Grant Application
- BNCA Letter to the Zoning Commission about Case Number 23-15, 11/13/23
- BNCA Letter of Support for the Redevelopment of the Pleasant Grove Baptist Church, 11/10/23
- BNCA Input on Proposed Changes to Brookland/CUA Metro Station Transit Facilities, 9/22/23
- Letter of Support for 701 Michigan Ave Map Amendment Application, 9/14/23
- A Ceremonial Resolution in Recognition of Service to the Community: Sara W. Lucas, 3/23
- Presentation about Luke C. Moore Opportunity Academy, 2/21/23
- BNCA Letter to Councilmember Parker Outlining the Community Needs, 2/3/23
- Brookland is a D.C. neighborhood worth writing about, Washington Post 10/26/22
- Presentation from Brookland Middle School, 9/20/22
- DDOT’s Presentation to the BNCA, 7/19/22
- Summary of DDOT’s Truck Restrictions, 7/19/22
- BNCA Letter to the Zoning Commission Regarding the Hanover Reed Street Project, 7/8/22
- Hanover Reed Street Project: Notice of Virtual Public Hearing with the DC Zoning Commission, 4/25/22
- Flier for the 2022 Great Brookland Yard Sale
- Hanover Reed Street Community Presentation to the BNCA, 10/28/21, Updated 12/6/21
- Draft Community Benfits Agreement—Hanover Reed Street Project, 12/6/21
- Draft Construction Management Plan—Hanover Reed Street Project, 12/6/21
- DC Open Government Coalition FOIA Presentation, 11/9/21
- Condolences from the BNCA on the passing of Reverend Elijah Sutton, Jr., 10/27/21
- Draft ANC 5B Resolution from the Committee on Development and Land Use, 3/24/21
- DC Federation of Citizens Associations Statement on the Violent Attack of the US Capitol, 1/14/21
- Testimony of Daniel Schramm, President of the BNCA, on DC Comp Plan, 11/13/20
- Presentation of Caroline Petti (former BNCA President) on DC’s Comp Plan Maps, 9/19/20
- BNCA Reed Street Comp Plan Resolution and Exhibit A: Area Density Map, 06/26/20
- BNCA Resolution in Support of the Birth-to-Three For All DC Act, 6/6/20
- Letter from the BNCA to the President and Congressional Leaders Demanding Full Funding for DC to Address the COVID-19 Global Pandemic, 5/20/20
- DC Department of Aging and Community Living Resources for Seniors: Overview of Services Flyer, 4/26/20
- DC Health Information Regarding Coronavirus and Covid-19, 3/15/20
- BNCA Comments on October 2019 Revisions to the DC Comprehensive Plan, 1/10/20
- Final Ward 5 Short-term Family Housing Program Good Neighbor Protocol, 9/3/19
- BNCA Letter to DDOT Supporting Proposed Bike Lane on Franklin Ave. NE, 7/31/19
- District Dept. of Transportation Letter about Proposed Bike Lane on Franklin Ave. NE, 7/18/19
- BNCA Testimony regarding MPD and Office of Neighborhood Safety and Engagement, 3/27/19
- Howard University School of Divinity Application for Amendment to the Comp Plan, 2/11/19
- DDOT Responds to Brookland Traffic – Hot Issues Compiled by BNCA and Councilmember McDuffie’s Office, 10/10/18
- BNCA Testimony to the DC Council about Providence Hospital Closure, 10/10/18
- Ward 5 Health Patterns prepared by the Department of Health, 2017
- BNCA Climate Letter to Mayor Bowser and DC Council 7/24/18
- Ward 5 Short-term Family Housing Good Neighbor Agreement 7/13/18
- DDOT’s Monroe Street Bridge Closure Proposal FAQs 5/22/18
- Testimony of Caroline Petti (former BNCA President) on Comprehensive Plan 3/20/18
- Testimony of Daniel Schramm (BNCA President) on Comprehensive Plan, 3/16/18
- Ward 5 Community Groups Letter to DC Council about the Comprehensive Plan, 3/16/18
- BNCA Support letter for Eve Austin’s grant to tell the oral history of Brookland, 1/18/18
- BNCA’s written testimony about the Drug Abatement Act, 1/18/18
- BNCA Constitution and Bylaws, Amended 10/17/17
- Fort Bunker Hill Park Agreement, 9/26/17
- BNCA letter to DDOE, requesting official air quality tests for Ward 5, 8/08/17
- BNCA comments on and proposes amendments to the DC Comprehensive Plan, 6/21/17
- BNCA comments to DDOT on excessive truck traffic throughout Brookland, 6/08/17
- BNCA comments on proposed development by EYA of the parcel behind the St. Joseph Seminary, 4/24/17
- BNCA comments on zoning variances with short-term family housing project, 2/26/17
- Support letter for an artist grant to Charles Bergen Studios, 1/26/17
- BNCA comments on Brookland Manor PUD, 1/23/17
- Fort Bunker Hill Park Agreement, 1/04/17
- Urban Land Institute’s Report about Howard University’s Divinity School 6/12/16
- Support letter for Dance Place’s application for the National Endowment of the Arts grant, 9/20/16
- Support letter for San Antonio Bar and Grill, sent to ABRA, DCRA and Mayor Muriel Bowser, 04/19/16
- Letter opposing 901 Evarts proposed alley closure, 03/08/16
- Letter supporting lot width variance at 1010 Irving St NE, 11/30/15
- Fort Bunker Hill Park Agreement, 10/20/15
- Support letter for Dance Place’s application for the National Endowment of the Arts grant, 10/06/15
- Letter in opposition to proposed 1500-car garage at 818 Michigan Ave. NE, 07/31/15
- Comments Regarding Pepco-Exelon Merger, 04/28/15
- Support Letter to ANC5B for Askale Cafe, 04/22/15
- Letter to DDOE opposing air pollution permits for auto paint shops, 01/12/15
- BNCA DC Statehood Resolution, 05/18/13
- Presentation by the BNCA about Artificial Turf at Noyes Park, 03/21/13
- Letter to DPR in opposition to the use of artificial turf at Noyes Park, 02/21/13
- Support for “Green Wall” at Pepco Substation, 01/31/13
- BNCA letter supporting Capital Bikeshare station expansion, 01/24/12
- Testimony of Caroline Petti, President of BNCA, regarding 901 Monroe, 01/19/12
- BNCA letter to the Zoning Commission regarding 901 Monroe PUD Application, 01/11/12
- Brookland Community Kiosk Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony Program, 03/05/11
- BNCA Support Letter for Cultural Tourism DC’s grant application, 01/30/11
- BNCA Requests to 901 Monroe Street, LLC
- BNCA Comments on DDOT’s Proposed Circulator Routes, 11/19/10
- Questionnaire for Candidates in Primary Election, 09/14/10
- BNCA Letter of Support for Dahlgreen Courts Tenants’ Association, 05/18/10
- BNCA Comments on DDOT’s Streetscape Work on 12th Street NE, 04/23/10
- BNCA Comments on Proposed Amendments to the Comprehensive Plan, 01/07/10
- Testimony of Caroline Petti, President of BNCA, regarding Comprehensive Plan Amendment Act