What is The Great Brookland Yard Sale?
The Great Brookland Yard Sale is a day for Brookland residents to host concurrent yard sales. It’s a great way to sell, shop and meet your neighbors! The Brookland Neighborhood Civic Association organizes this event annually.
When is it?
The Great Brookland Yard Sale is May 11th, 2024 from 10 AM until 2 PM.*
* If there is rain, we will reschedule to May 18th, 2024.
Where is it?
Sales are all over the neighborhood, in individual seller’s yards, businesses, and churches around the neighborhood. Check out the interactive map, or download the PDF map here. Printed maps are available for pick up at Atlantic Electric on sale day.
How can I add my yard sale?
The deadline to sign up your yard sale has passed. If you missed the deadline, you can still have a yard sale. It just won’t appear on the official printed map or the interactive website map.
No Truck Drop Off This Year
If you have unsold items after your yard sale, we encourage you to deliver donation items directly to Goodwill. We are not offering drop-off service at the Atlantic Electric location. We found in prior years that a full truck delivery to Goodwill was difficult and inefficient. There is a Goodwill drop-off center located just a short drive away in Ft. Lincoln, 2200 South Dakota Ave NE. Learn more about how and when to make a donation to Goodwill. This donation center is open on Saturdays until 6:30 pm.
Tell your friends and neighbors
Print our flyer, which is available as a PDF or JPG. Share it with neighborhood businesses, and post around the neighborhood. Share this website with listserv groups you belong to, social media, and email anyone who might be interested: GreatBrooklandYardSale.com.